Thursday, 2 January 2014

Ten reasons to TEFL in 2014

With 2014 now in full swing, people all over the world will be making promises to drink less alcohol, eat less junk food, stop smoking and exercise more. All this is done in the hope of becoming happier, healthier and more productive. But how about committing yourself to something that will be truly life-changing?

Taking a TEFL course could make this year the most memorable of your life. Here are ten reasons why you should TEFL in 2014:

1. Travel.
Ever heard the expression "'It's a small world"? Well it's just not true. With the arrival of South Sudan in 2011, there are now 196 recognised countries in the world, with a combined population of more than 7 billion. There's nothing small about planet earth, it's absolutely huge. Take some time to see it while you can. 

2. Experience a different way of life.
Getting a TEFL job means settling down in one place, at least for a short while. This means you can see the country through the eyes of a local, not a tourist. So go native and dive in head first by trying everything your new culture has to offer. Be it different food, drink, music, film, fashion, sports...everyday brings a fresh adventure which will broaden your horizons.

3. Make new friends.
Immersing yourself in a new way of life involves making every effort to interact with local people, no matter how big the language barrier. Do this and you could find yourself developing lifelong friendships that transcend cultures and continents. Wherever you end up in the world, you also will be surprised by how many other teachers you find there. Meet like-minded individuals from America, Canada, Australia, South Africa and many more English speaking countries. 

4. Gain confidence.
The idea of moving to a new country, or even standing up in front of a class, might fill you with dread. Once you have done it you will wonder why you spent all that time worrying. Living abroad will make you a more confident and independent person, while teaching will give you transferable skills you can use later in your career.  

5. Learn a new language.
Communicating in another language is one of the most rewarding things you can do. It can be tricky but the chance to practice on genuine native speakers makes your task a lot less difficult. Being able to speak the local lingo will also help you as you go about your day-to-day business. There's only so far that pointing and miming will get you!

6. Enjoy sunnier climes.
It's a special kind of person who likes British weather. It's renowned for being cold, dark, wet and windy and 2014 promises to be no different. Why put yourself through it when you could get a TEFL certificate and be sunning yourself on a boiling-hot beach within a matter of weeks?

7. Get a job!
It's not just the weather that's making people miserable in Britain. An uncertain economy and crowded job market have left many graduates feeling despondent as they fight it out for a limited number of vacancies. There are so many TEFL jobs available, you wouldn't believe it. There are more than 100,000 English teachers in China alone and they are still crying out for more candidates. Demand far outstrips supply as far as TEFL jobs are concerned.

8. Save money.
TEFL positions in some countries can be particularly lucrative. South Korea is a great example of this. A hefty wage packet coupled with the low cost of living mean that you can clear your debts and come back with some to spare!

9. Do something worthwhile.
Your reason for teaching doesn't have to be financially motivated. You can use your TEFL certificate to volunteer in a developing country and make a real difference. Teaching is one of the most rewarding things you can do, and giving up your time for those who need it the most makes it that much more enjoyable.

10. Why not?
Think long and hard about what's holding you back and you will soon find the answer...absolutely nothing. Take a look at our course dates and book yourself on today. All courses are Buy One Get One Half Price if booked before the end of January, so take advantage of this wonderful offer and make 2014 an unforgettable year! The New Year starts here!

1 comment:

  1. Getting a TEFL job or Teaching English as a Foreign Language can be very rewarding and thousands of teachers have proven that you can travel the world and earn a living while doing it.
